Nuestro equipo docente Tatiana Mina Directora General Marlene Meza Villares Inspectora General Liz Madeleinne Chungandro Maestra De Belleza María De Los Angeles Borja Maestra de Cosmetología
IDENTIDAD ¿Quiénes Somos? MISION: Educar con excelencia y conciencia humanista para el desarrollo integral y eficiente de habilidades en el arte de la belleza, impartiendo conocimientos, tendencias y técnicas vanguardistas,…
IDENTIDAD DE MARCA Munay es una palabra de origen Quechua (indígenas originarios del imperio Inca , y depaíses como: Perú, Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina, Chile y Colombia) es el nombre del…
TALLER DE ARTE EN HOJAS DE CHOCLO MUNARA te presenta esta opción innovadora de embellecer tus ambientes explotando toda tu creatividad. La maestra Carolina Escobar nos trae este formato hermoso…
Anthony Rotolo, a professor from Syracuse University is offering the Dr. Who Class, an adventure for students who want to go through space and time exploring the cultural impact of…
Anthony Rotolo, a professor from Syracuse University is offering the Dr. Who Class, an adventure for students who want to go through space and time exploring the cultural impact of…
Anthony Rotolo, a professor from Syracuse University is offering the Dr. Who Class, an adventure for students who want to go through space and time exploring the cultural impact of…
Lionel Messi Made His Opinion Clear When Asked If He Would Like To Play
by MUNARAby MUNARAAnthony Rotolo, a professor from Syracuse University is offering the Dr. Who Class, an adventure for students who want to go through space and time exploring the cultural impact of…
Greece: where historic ruins, volcanic cliffs, and friendly locals meet the blu Mediterranean Sea. My first trip to Greece was a summer adventure through Athens and Mykonos. I returned again…
Greece: where historic ruins, volcanic cliffs, and friendly locals meet the blu Mediterranean Sea. My first trip to Greece was a summer adventure through Athens and Mykonos. I returned again…